Final Unravelings – Exploring Other Heath Mysteries With Anthony William, Part III
In present society, we are beginning to embrace becoming the masters of our own health fate. The general population at large more commonly invests in the study of health, dietary practices and many different aspects of creating ‘a healthy life style.’
I’ve penned a version of this sentiment in each article in the series. And here, I’m going to say it baldly: No matter whether we have studied health for years or not, even if you have a degree in the field of the healing arts, if you are presently struggling with some health issue (and yes, that does include taking prescription drugs for diagnoses), the foundational logic you’ve built your ‘health model’ upon has a flaw(s). The smart consideration is pitching out the window all the things you ‘know’, and return to your health endeavor with an attitude of, “Let’s experiment and see what happens.” If you’re not presently experiencing optimal health, then what you are doing (which is based upon what you’ve learned or have been taught) is not 100% effective in creating the level of health you desire.
They call it medical science. Definition: Science is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. And just because observation and experiment was conducted, does not mean the drawn conclusions are correct.

People generally misconstrue ‘science’ to mean proven fact. However, consider: When is the last time you saw a doctor use leeches in medical practices? How many drugs formally approved, have been removed from circulation? How often are medical procedures altered based upon further learning?
If you really think about the landscape of ’medical science’, I would propose that ‘medical science’ actually functions more like ‘accepted medical consensus’.
Definition: Consensus is a group discussion where everyone’s opinions are heard and understood, and a solution is created that respects those opinions. Consensus is not what everyone agrees to, nor is it the preference of the majority.

Welcome to our third and final article in our conversation with Anthony William. In part one, we explored the foundation of Mr. William’s approach to solving many health issues afflicting thousands of people [Available in AGENDA print Issue #10 here]. In part two, we specifically addressed healing approaches for those with mystery, chronic/long terms health issues [available online here].
Here we dig into some health topics that are less traveled and certainly less discussed. But nonetheless, very valuable foundations to health.
MW: My favorite ‘diagnosis’ is “it’s all in your head”. Some of the stuff that MDs have said to me, is a double-take when you really consider the gravity what is being said. The rationale, “It’s all in your head is,” is shocking. What’s wrong with saying, “I don’t know.” And we are hard pressed to find many health practitioners willing to say “I don’t know.”
AW: The old theory “it’s all in their heads” is still partially around now. There are also newer theories such as autoimmune, which suggests “the body is attacking itself”. This theory began in the 1950s and puts the blame on women’s bodies, instead of admitting science and research doesn’t know what’s wrong yet. These theories are all disempowering to womankind, and men and children. There are real causes behind the symptoms and conditions woman and men suffer with, and it’s not their genes or their body attacking itself.

MW: Autoimmune disease never made sense to me because as I have watched bodies, my observance is a body, in its infinite wisdom, is always doing its best to balance itself to the best of its ability at that present moment. I see bodies always working to protect themselves and so when I tripped across the autoimmune theory and the explanation. My considered thought is: This flies in the face of everything I’ve witnessed bodies do. And! That dog don’t hunt.
AW: When your body creates an antibody, that means it’s going after a pathogen, a virus. NOT after your own body. But that isn’t what they’re talking about out there in the medical world. They believe the body creates an antibody to go after an organ, but what they don’t understand is inside our organs are viruses that the antibodies are going after. This is a great mistake I address in detail in Thyroid Healing.
MW: I’ve puzzled on autoimmune for a long time but when I read Thyroid Healing I was like, bingo! Because I have found the simplest answers are usually more correct than convoluted, complex theories that have an explanation that reads much like a trigonometry equation. Especially those equations where you find sometimes the equation works, and sometimes it doesn’t. And sadly, these theories become accepted as medical fact.
AW: Medical facts that are just theories and never proven.

MW: Doctors tell us a few days after you stop taking a drug, it flushes out of your system. I remember I was helping a woman do a really gentle liver cleanse because she was dealing with a long term issue. 18 months prior to embarking on this liver cleanse she broke her knee and she was given Demerol, which she discontinued within a few short days of her surgery. And 18 months later, doing a very gentle liver cleanse, I go to her house and she was just loopy as hell, high on Demerol. She was enjoying herself, which was cool, at least she wasn’t suffering, but a lot of Demerol was flooding back into her bloodstream.
AW: Similar to what happens is if your taking 20 years of a variety of thyroid medicine, you could have 10-20 years of those pills inside your liver. And then you start cleansing your liver. That medicine is coming out along with any other drugs that have been taken in the past. It’s going to be excreting out of the liver. That’s why my 3:6:9 Liver Rescue cleanse is really gentle. That’s why you take it slow and start by removing some of the foods that feed the pathogens that make us sick, such as eggs, dairy and gluten.

MW: One thing that I see that is really turning into a big thing is people are losing teeth due to issues that really aren’t related to the teeth themselves. The question here is: it seems like several dental issues, like periodontal disease, teeth that are, for lack of better words, disintegrating, abscesses, nerve issues with a tooth that result in root canals, could be related to viral or co-factor bacterial infection.
AW: What happens is teeth problems always start early on. We come into this world really mineral deficient and with too many heavy metals in our system. We come into this world with viruses and bacteria. And we collect more as we go along. Teeth just don’t start falling apart because of something you were doing yesterday. The cavities and abscesses and the bacterial infections etc. stem from many years ago, even decades or from what you came into this world with. Most people come into this world with deficiencies, zinc especially, and a low functioning immune system. They come into the world with toxic heavy metals passed down from their family line and pick up new ones. This is where teeth issues start. Not from the diet you started a month ago or even 6 months ago. So teeth problems are really a kind of historic issue going back through somebody’s whole life. But what you’re doing now today can ensure that you’re helping yourself steer clear of oral issues or prevent worsening of current ones in the future.

MW: Are there hazards to having an infection located in the mouth, sinuses, head area?
AW: Yeah, of course. But the viral issues aren’t the infections that are close to the brain, unless it’s Simplex Herpes Virus (HSV-1), when it comes down to oral health. If it’s HSV-1, the virus ends up in the trigeminal nerve, and in other places around the mouth and throat – that’s a closer picture when it comes down to viral issues. There’s really not a lot of viral issues orally that can get close to the brain.
It’s bacterial. It’s all about strep and staph being in the oral area and throat and sinuses. But that bacteria doesn’t create neurotoxins like viruses do, which cause neurological issues. Because it’s not creating a neurotoxin.
There’s not one, there’s over 60 and they’re not even detectable by blood work. Medical research and science aren’t aware of this. So you can get the kind of viruses that create Multiple Sclerosis, you can get the kind that create Lupus, you can get encephalitis from these viruses. Brain inflammation from their neurotoxins.

What we need to be aware of is the heart. When thinking orally, you’re thinking Strep and Staph in the oral cavities, and those bacteria can affect the heart and vascular system.
MW: With chronic sinus infections, you’re also considering causing upper respiratory issues that add to the bodily load because the whole head is dumping waste into the upper torso.
AW: That’s not good either. But if the immune system is stronger and you get the metals out, clean up the liver, your immune system will be able to clean up a lot of bacteria and reduce the infections in the mouth orally, which is really important.
MW: I used to work in satellite communications at a young age and it took me years to really get that we have no idea what we what has been visited upon the body in the course of a lifetime because so much of it is odorless, colorless, tasteless – it’s invisible.

What we need to be aware of is the heart. When thinking orally, you’re thinking Strep and Staph in the oral cavities, and those bacteria can affect the heart and vascular system.
MW: With chronic sinus infections, you’re also considering causing upper respiratory issues that add to the bodily load because the whole head is dumping waste into the upper torso.
AW: That’s not good either. But if the immune system is stronger and you get the metals out, clean up the liver, your immune system will be able to clean up a lot of bacteria and reduce the infections in the mouth orally, which is really important.
MW: I used to work in satellite communications at a young age and it took me years to really get that we have no idea what we what has been visited upon the body in the course of a lifetime because so much of it is odorless, colorless, tasteless – it’s invisible.

Bringing our series with Anthony William to a finish:
It is certainly my hope that topics covered in this series will assist on the front of acquainting people with emerging answers that end mystery illness and create health.
Mr. William has penned five books, many of which made #1 on the New York Times Best Sellers list. All are filled with amazing, in-depth explanations, detailed instructions, simple, all natural remedies built upon healing foods, herbs and supplements that are commonly available that will help everyone build more robust and vital health.
Mr. William’s approach to health solutions is unconventional and simple. And remember: simple doesn’t always mean easy. I’m going to offer this: we’ve confused aging with deteriorating health. We’ve been ‘talked into’ believing many of our health issues fall into the category of, “This is what happens as you get older.” I hazard, much of what we attribute to aging is actually solvable health issues. As our health deteriorates, the architecture of our life begins to be molded around being sick. We make choices not because we want to, but because our health dictates we do so. AND, you owe it to yourself to overcome long standing health issues.

So now it’s time to take all that we’ve just learned from the generous, enlightened and prolific Anthony Williams, adjust your fedoras, put the pedal to the metal – and race towards discovering the Holy Grail of Good Health.
Anthony William’s books are available here.
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