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Refreshing Our Ideals of Health

Refreshing Our Ideals of Health

Refreshing Our Ideals of Health At the beginning of a fresh new year, there’s a good time to hold up our concepts and ideas to the light of day, examine them a bit, and see if they still hold water. As with all things in life, there are many roads to Rome, and...
Counting Calories … well THAT doesn’t work!

Counting Calories … well THAT doesn’t work!

Counting Calories … well THAT doesn’t work! Who’s ready to rid themselves of a widely held, very accepted health/dietary practice that’s …. well, a total waste of time. Most conventional wisdom on the subject of counting calories recommends consuming...
Diet – One Size Does NOT Fit All

Diet – One Size Does NOT Fit All

Diet – One Size Does NOT Fit All Ever notice all of the dietary trends we cycle through? Notice that when someone is endorsing a particular diet, it is generally done at the expense of other dietary practices? And many of these ‘authorities’ would have you...