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I’ve used the Agricultural BV for the area where I store my winter squash after harvest.  Prior to using a BV our typical winter varieties are harvested mid-Oct. – very early Nov.  And typically, by January, decay begins to set in.  We generally sold winter squash to about March/April. Between Jan. and April, we lost about 40% of the crop due to average, normal decay.  Since incorporating a BV into our storage facility, we are now selling our winter squash easily into April, several varieties displaying much longer than average shelf lives, the harvest is more ‘durable’, and instead of our ‘normal’ 40% loss, only about 10% of the crop is lost due to decay – all else is sold.  Same amount of work; same amount of harvest, much greater profit margin due to selling the 30% of the crop we normally did not sell.    Read full testimonial here.

Farmer Greg - Agricultural

Before I write what I love about my vortices, I want to say that I am not very flowery. Below are my practical uses and outcomes of the beautiful BV's that I consider amazing works of art. So you know, I have been experimenting with 5 different sized coils. Does size matter? 😊

Small BV: used over fruit bowl | countertop:  Fresh food lasts longer sitting on the counter.  Basil normally only lasts 2 weeks on the counter (placed in a bag to hold moisture); when I began using the BV, my basil lasted over 6 weeks and looked completely fresh and new the entire time.  Oranges last much longer.

Fridge BV: Food lasts longer here too.  All fresh items are lasting about 2X longer: apples, stone fruits, spinach, cilantro, varieties of berries, pomegranates, persimmons, lettuces, etc.  And sometimes I forget what I have and then “find” an apple, cucumber, onion, bell pepper, and/or carrot that I have had for 2-3 weeks – in PERFECT condition.

Compact Bitty Hanging from Car Mirror:  I feel like this coil has kept me out of harms way while driving.  Very close calls on the freeway – avoided them all.

Bantam: (Use w/ Plants): I forgot to water my flowering poppy for a few days, which lay completely flat on the ground due to lack of water.  I decided to put my Bantam pointing at the potted flower, and of course added water.  This poppy plant exploded to life.  The plant was only producing 1 flower at a time. After I left coil in the pot for approx 8 days the plant produced 3 flowers 1 week later.  WOW!

Medium BV w/ Shungite: This is my latest BV and it is hanging from my living room ceiling. What I felt the most with this BV is less achiness. To give you an idea of me: I am 57, very physically active, eat well, stretch, meditate and I don’t forget to eat ice cream (most often non-dairy). All this said, I do have aches. And my aches are less since having this BV.

In General: In addition to all the above, these devices generate energy.  Not frenetic energy – rather life energy.  Maybe that’s why food is lasting longer?!?!?  I also feel a sense of calmness.  Maybe the better word is grounded.  My space just “feels” better.

Malissa - Compact Bitty, Bantam, Small, Fridge & Medium Bio-Bortex

I’m pleased and grateful to have incorporated the bio-vortex in my life it has been very gratifying to see my plants 🌴grow tremendously in less than 3 months. I have a couple of palm trees that were on standby in their growth; I placed the bio-vortex directly above them and they started growing rapidly over 3 months. After my palm trees rapid growth I decided to placed the bio-vortex in the ground halfway buried by my apple tree and this year it gave me more apples than any other year. I’m very happy with the outcome I believe there’s a good chance this has the ability to work in other areas I haven’t explored yet however I’m looking forward to seeing all of benefits this bio-vortex has to offer.

Tammy - Large Bio-Bortex

LOVE my BioVortex! Not only does it cleanse and energize my space and bring my thoughts greater clarity and's a beautiful piece of art. Excellent quality and workmanship! The crystals are unique and lovely while the copper reflects light beautifully -  🙂 - an energetic teepee of peace.

JL - Compact Bitty & Bantam Bio-Bortex

The Bio-Vortex has worked well inside my fridge to keep produce fresh for longer periods of time, at least double the time as without it.  I glued a hook to the inside of my fridge so it could hang with the widest part along the side wall of the refrigerator, minimizing the 'footprint' that would otherwise take up shelf space.  It could also be hung on a wall over a fruit bowl on your counter.  I love it.

Kelly - Fridge Bio-Bortex

Bantam & Small Bio-Bortex

Because of constant pain and a mind that does not seem to have an off switch, I have had trouble getting a good night's rest.

I hung a Small BV over my bed and almost instantly my pain reduced and my body relaxed.  My brain slowed to a fast crawl and I started putting nights of sleep together for the first time in a long time.
I also travel with a Bitty in my car glove box - it helped reduce the throbbing in my legs (which occurs after a lengthier drives) and I realized in hind-sight that I was less reactive to the "idiots" on the road.
They are nice to look at, and since they don't move, it is easy to forget that it is amazing technology and incredibly helpful and, for me, healthful!

There are many reasons and uses for BV's as a healing modality.  I can personally talk about the benefits I saw with my ailing pets.  An old pet who was nearing the end of her life found comfort and relief after playing inside the coil.  She repeatedly returned to the coil after first discovering it on the table.  She became more active, her appetite increased and she became a member of our family once again.  Melanie’s BV's are a must have in our family.

Norma and Beth - Small Bio-Bortex