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Wise Remedies Approach to Health – An In Depth ‘About Us’

by | Jul 30, 2024 | Natural Health

Wise Remedies was founded by Melanie Wise in 2002 specifically to offer herbal products produced at a quality level that harkens back to those used for centuries by our ancestors. Melanie has studied diet, health, alternative health care, herbs, nutritional supplements, exercise, rehab, strength conditioning, and more for 3+ decades. The herbal products offered by Wise Remedies are the tip of the spear to boost natural defenses. These products are created using preparation standards consummate with those utilized for centuries and still in use in the very early 1900’s. Paired with nutritionally sound dietary practices, exercise (movement of some form), and something to feed the soul (THE requirement that you can’t ever buy anywhere!), Wise Remedies was established to help you achieve the healthiest version of YOU.

Wise Remedies products are focused upon hardening the effacacy and function of the immune system, giving your body the space to encounter all that life has to offer, and traverse all of that with as much health grace as possible. We offer only all natural products that are free of chemicals, pesticides, toxins, synthetically produced materials or fillers; in other words, anything we sell (excluding the BioVortex, of course!) can be eaten. This is our standard of purity, simply stated: WHY would I even consider using a product meant for ingestion (by mouth, eyes, ears, nose, skin) to nourish, heal, and/or rejuvenate my body and/or skin that contains materials I WOULD NOT EAT?

Always remember: before the advent of western medicine, the predominant methodologies used to treat and remedy ill health were Chinese Medicine, doctors who used herbs, studied natural remedies, and made their own products, and homeopathy (the ‘youngest’ of the disciplines). The first two practices were venerated methodologies for hundreds of years. These practitioners remained in business because they knew their craft, used methods of creating remedies that were handed down for generations that resulted in powerful herbal products, and had satisfied customers. Also present were faith based healers, energy based healers and other practitioners whose disciplines dealt with the unseen portion of the body (emotional, spiritual). These gifted individuals have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years and also produce amazing health results.

Everything sold by Wise Remedies is hand made by Wise Remedies. It is time consumptive and labor intense. Most all Wise Remedies liquid extracts (a.k.a. tinctures) are sold in TWO ounce bottles. Almost all commercially produced tinctures are sold in ONE ounce bottles – a factor to be mindful of when comparing price. Also remember, longer distillation times mixed with the proper plant material to solvent ratio, and proper plant parts yields stronger tinctures – a production standard that is near to impossible to maintain with commercially produced products.

The late 1800’s and early 1900’s marked the advent of many promising new, non-invasive technology (frequency and vibration) based therapies (such as Rife, Multiwave Oscillators, etc.) showing high rates of curing diseases such as cancer. Even Nikola Tesla staunchly supported physical healing making use of displacement voltage. The problem with natural healing: you can’t make billions – seriously, BILLIONS and TRILLIONS – off of it. And so, the early 1900’s also marked the advent of western medicine, which totally supplanted any and all disciplines falling into natural or non-invasive categories of healing. In two short decades, about 1920 – 1940 and with the use of marketing, those engineering a medical system which was expressly created to sell invasive procedures (surgeries) and pharmaceuticals (synthetically produced drugs – early formulations ‘borrowed’ from proven plant derived substances) successfully relegated all other disciplines to the ‘quackery’ category.  I will offer, for acute medical situations, western medicine is very helpful.

The herbalists, natural doctors, Chinese Medical practitioners, and homeopathic doctors were restricted from practicing through the creation of ‘medical’ boards, licensure and medical schooling, which did NOT offer courses of study or licensure for natural healing modalities of practice. The ‘emerging technological devices’ were regulated out of business simply by not being able to obtain FDA approval (conveniently in 1938, the FDA was tasked to authorize medical devices for public use). And VOILA! No more natural medicine (a many thousands of years old practice) replaced by formally regulated ’medical science’ and which literally numbers about 80 – 100 years old. Additionally, modalities dealing with the unseen were simply forgotten.

Their new medical system was designed to ‘enroll’ the public at large into ‘health care system’ where by prevention and active care to maintain health was eschewed, pharmaceuticals were prescribed to stomp on (mask) symptoms allowing for a cascading health issue to flourish.  By certain age benchmarks, patients were anticipated to regularly consume a certain number of prescriptions, and at which point, invasive surgeries would be needed.  By creating a behemoth chiefly designed to usurp self moderation, discipline, knowledge and awareness, we are left with a ‘health care system’ which parasitically feeds off sickness and disease that their very own system promotes, facilitates, and creates.  Seems a bit more like a ‘death care system’ designed to fleece all those who use it of there most precious commodity – health!  Without health, you will not have the necessary energy to create all other forms of abundance.

I’ve been throwing Western Medicine in front of a bus for years for the simple fact that this industry as a whole merely manages diseases and health declines.  Many have spoken about this, however, their voices have been buried in a media blackout.  And, MOST licensed medical doctor bringing forward simple cures for serious diseases are legally buried (put out of business) by the Medical Industrial Complex.  If you ever wonder WHY finding good health data is difficult, realize the vast majority of media is sponsored by very specific ‘voices’ (chiefly, Big Pharma and Food). Calley and Casey Means speak about how Big Pharma co-opted government agencies and the food industry specifically to keep people sick – watch that interview here.  These two were insiders in the medical and lobbying industries, and they’ve done a very good job unraveling a good portion of the actual game being played with peoples’ health …. as if YOUR HEALTH is a game.

Wise Remedies strives to bring health back into a more ‘golden age’ of natural methods by looking at states of health WHOLE-istically. Typically, we are only taught to consider the biological aspect of the living soul and if we are limited to that single consideration, health may not prevail. We are more than just a biological mechanism – we are physical, emotional, intellectual/mental AND spiritual creatures made of trillions of atoms gathered in a unified, coherent state to create each and every one of US. And thus the requirement (meditation, practice or ritual – pick the terminology that you prefer) can be imperative to maintain robust health over the course of a lifetime.

We must consider all these aspects when health is not well balanced. Ever notice the sicker one becomes, the more the emotional and intellectual/mental faculties become muddy and/or fade. Our emotional states can and do become quite depressed. Our intellectual/mental powers are not nearly as clear or sharp. Our ability to feel connected, at peace and full is diminished. Stress is one of the largest prevailing forces acting upon health. Emotional stress, and depression is emotional stress, can most quickly disturb brain chemistry, resulting in diminished hormones that give rise to happy, connected, contented, motivated states of being. As brain chemistry falls out of equilibrium, our intellectual and mental facilities often become duller, less focused and/or cloudy. Healthy people generally occupy loftier emotional states. Healthy people are generally quick, sharp and refined intellectually and mentally. For this reason, Wise Remedies offers several products that heighten emotional states and hone mental functions.

Perhaps harder to accept (maybe not so much anymore!) is the fact that the body does NOT end at the outline of the skin. Until about 80 – 100 years ago (interesting time frame), it was broadly accepted that PART of our physical anatomy, tho unseen, was a soul’s energetic field (aura). The human eye is only able to register a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the light spectrum. This energetic field is a form of ‘finer matter’ that is literally beyond the physical spectrum of most human sight. Any living thing – plant, animal, human being – has an auric field surrounding it. This has been a proven fact since the late 1890’s; the first photos (called electrographs and now commonly referred to as Kirlian photography) were taken of leaves and hands, revealing the energetic field that exists around all living things.

Many years ago, science determined that the brain, central and peripheral nervous system were inadequate to send and receive all the messages needed by every single cell of the body for repair, rejuvenation and regeneration. If this is true, how are we maintaining a healthy body? My hazard (while I do not have ‘proof’, I do have many years of experience that prove this statement) is that the energetic field surrounding the mortal coil is much like a short wave wireless communication system between the the whole of the cosmos and your physical body. I can observe two differing types of functions (relevant to this specific topic): the auric field manages all the messages via a ‘natural wireless’ used by the physical form to maintain, manage and energize health; at large, the auric field serves as a ‘sending’ AND ‘receiving’ station for messages to AND from the universe. Additionally, this energetic field serves many other purposes physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The next time you go to the beach or the forrest or the mountains, notice HOW MUCH your physical, emotional and mental bodies are literally charged up. Consider: how are you ‘receiving’ that charge?

How did we lose this awareness of our own anatomy? Perhaps it was ‘lost’ when the western medical system decided to build a business model upon invasive procedures and synthetic chemicals (a.k.a. poison) to ensure that society at large was ONLY capable of addressing health at ONLY the densest of levels (seen, physical form) instead of considering the entire anatomy of a living soul (physical form + the spiritual form). The whole form of the living soul is the most advanced, elegant, complex testing, sending and receiving ‘equipment’ on the planet (article coming). And for this reason, Wise Remedies created and developed the BioVortex to harmonize, reinvigorate and maximize physical expression occurring within energetic spaces (including bodies, food, agriculture, etc.).

Wise Remedies does not pretend to offer all potential solutions on your path to health (there are many, Many, MANY roads to Rome), however, we focus on creating products that boost the foundations of health. It is our pleasure to help you maximize health, and we are grateful you’ve chosen to trust WR with your most precious commodity – HEALTH!