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Specialty Bio-Vortex

Specialty Sized Bio-Vortices:  Bitty, Compact Bitty, Refrigerator


Compact Bitty BV – LOVE my BioVortex! Not only does it cleanse and energize my space and bring my thoughts greater clarity and focus … 🙂 an energetic teepee of peace.     JL

Fridge BV – The BV has worked well inside my fridge to keep produce fresh for longer periods of time, at least double the time as without it.  It could also be hung on a wall over a fruit bowl on your counter.  I love it.     Kelly

Fridge BV – All fresh items are lasting about 2X longer: apples, stone fruits, spinach, cilantro, varieties of berries, pomegranates, persimmons, lettuces, etc.  And sometimes I forget what I have and then “find” an apple, cucumber, onion, bell pepper, and/or carrot that I have had for 2-3 weeks – in PERFECT condition.     Malissa

Bitty BV – I travel with a Bitty in my car glove box – it helped reduce the painful throbbing in my legs (which occurs after a lengthier drives) and I realized in hind-sight that I was less reactive to the “idiots” on the road.     Zac

Compact Bitty BV – Hanging from Car Mirror:  I feel like this BV has kept me out of harms way while driving.  Very close calls on the freeway – avoided them all.     Malissa

Bitty BV – I drive about 1000 miles per week. Since traveling with my Bitty, my break downs are close to home, saving me valuable time, lost work, stress and occur in a manner making the whole thing relatively easy. I notice my travels are far less dramatic: less dangerous, fewer police encounters, less road rage.  However, I do experience moving, flowing travel with lots less stress.     Farmer Greg


Harmonize, energize, maximize and integrate life force energy into your spaces. Use a Bio-Vortex (BV) in any space where you’d like coherence that provides the foundation for life to thrive. The Bio-Vortex generates an energy field to enhance the energetic expression of everything within its field of influence. The area of influence of the BV is governed by its size.

The SMALLEST Bio-Vortices are the compact designs, measuring approximately: Bitty 4.5-5" in diameter and approx. 7" in depth; Compact Bitty 4.5-5" diameter and approx. 3.5" in depth and constructed with 1/4" copper tubing; Refrigerator approx. 8" in diameter and approx. 3.5-4" in depth and constructed with 3/8" copper tubing.  All designs have three quartz crystals wire wrapped to exterior, whole mini quartz crystals contained within, filled with energized water, and influences a 15' area in all directions.  The Bitty and Compact Bitty are perfect for portable uses and placement on desks, countertops, in meditation spaces, in refrigerators, cars - on the go and anyplace where truly compact size is needed;  The Refrigerator BV, a bit more generous in diameter, was designed specifically to be used in refrigerators, and can also be used in any space where the z-axis space is limited.  A BV hanger can be optionally added to your purchase.

Offered in a variety of sizes and profiles for multiple applications, from personal to agricultural; compact options are available for use in refrigerators and portable/personal applications.  All BV’s, EXCEPT Specialty (Bitty, Compact Bitty and Fridge) come with a removable, adjustable hanger allowing you to hang the BV in any position imaginable.


  •   significantly longer shelf lives of fruits & vegetables; specific to more delicate greens (arugula, mizuna, cilantro, etc.) lasts 2 - 2.5 times longer; users either save money on their fresh food expenditures or waste less (which is also a savings)
  •   farmers report more robust crops, bigger plants, extended shelf lives of produce, and greater profit margins
  •   food and water tastes ‘better’; standing water remains fresher
  •   many LOVE to sleep with a BV hanging over or near their beds and report more sound rest.
  •   meditators report deeper, more profound meditations
  •   plants (including food producing) grow (often growing larger ‘than normal’) and produce more robustly
  •   some users place a BV in their cars (nothing like smooth, calm, flowing energy for travel)
  •   animals gravitate to and sleep near coils; small wild animals are commonly seen playing on them
  •   cut flowers remain hardy and beautiful for significantly longer periods and require much fewer water changes

The BV affects energy in all directions from the device. The ‘action’ of the two ends differs. With the large, open end pointing up, one is drawing energy from the earth; with the apex pointing up, one is drawing energy from the universe; oriented on its side, you make use of both energies.  The area of influence tends to grow as the BV sits in a specific space. After removal of the BV from a specific space, the effects of the BV persist for some time.

NOTE:  All BV's are delivered with outer surfaces uncoated (and should be left uncoated) - your BV WILL PATINA over time.  Our infosheet contains instructions to maintain shinier surfaces if preferred.  Click here to see complete infosheet which includes care, use, materials, etc.  Photos across the Bio-Vortex product line contain devices with varying degrees of patina and are exemplar of how time treats raw copper.  Outdoor use causes the darkest patina.  The device is built to withstand the elements; the only result will be greater patina.


Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 6 in
What Size & Profile?

Bitty, Compact Bitty, Refrigerator